My dad owns a construction company and recently built some additions for a homeowner. He asked if I would take some pictures of the final product for his company's portfolio.
Today was an absolutely gorgeous day and perfect for taking pictures, so I took all the photos of the additions and the property itself.
I don't normally like to take pictures at high-noon, but for taking pictures of buildings with trees, landscaping, and other buildings around them, it was perfect. The sun didn't cast any problem shadows that I would have been frustrated with if I had shot earlier or later in the day.
These are all SOOC. I might add some contrast to them and boost the blacks, but I like the colors for the most part.
Back view of the house and addition.
Front view of the barn addition.
I just can't get over how gorgeous today was! The weather was perfect, the sky was so blue, and the grass was so vibrant!
I love these! You're right, the day was absolutely perfect for it!